ID Information und Dokumentation im Gesundheitswesen GmbH & Co. KGaA

Platz vor dem Neuen Tor 2
10115 Berlin

Phone: +49 (0)30 2 46 26-0
Fax: +49 (0)30 2 46 26-1 11


Company Contacts
Department/ Name Address

Marketing ID, Sven Hoffmann, Platz vor dem Neuen Tor 2, 10115 Berlin

Medizinischer Support ID, Petra von Wensierski, Platz vor dem neuen Tor 2, 10115 Berlin, Tel.: (0 30)2 46 26-1 08

Technischer Support ID, Harald Kohlmann, Platz vor dem Neuen Tor 2, 10115 Berlin, Tel.: (0 30)2 46 26-1 12

Vertrieb Katja Buchmann, Tel.: (0 30)2 46 26-1 09
Company Figures
Number of employees 20-49
Year of foundation 1985
Area of business Fabrics

Language: German Language: English Company Profile

company profile
ID has been offering reliable quality –tools for medical documentation since 1985.
Our most successful product ID DIACOS® has been established as a standard for coding and reimbursement and is widely used in Germany, Austria and Switzerland .
Beside many hospitals ID has a broad range of partners in insurance, outpatient doctors. The ID consulting branch offers services in research and science.
ID DIACOS® installations have exceeded 1000 hospitals in the year 2002. This represents a market share of 60 % in regard to bed capacity in Germany.
ID to has cooperations agreements with more than 80 hospital information systems provider and is a member in the „Verband der Hersteller von Krankenhaussoftware VHitG e.V”
ID DIACOS® is further implemented internationally in Switzerland , Austria and China, serving as a multilingual coding tool in hospitals and insurances.
Processing medical language from various sources like text, code, pictures and metalanguage is a core competence of ID DIACOS® and emowers users to get their coding and reimbursement done in an efficient way.
This helps hospitals and insurers to derive the relevant information they need for documentation, DRG, controlling, risk estimation and other purposes.
ID is an authorized partner of Friedrich-Wingert-Stiftung for the maintenance of Wingert NC, ICPM –German version and belonging software-components.
Encoding diagnosis and procedures into multiple standard classifications has beome possible through ID MACS – Medical Semantic Network. Right now this includes
ICD-9, ICD-10,ICPM, OPS,ICD-9-CM,ICD-9-CM Vol. 3 (CHOP-4). Other knowledge bases include AO-classification, TNM, QUADRA, KIKA, TNM, HV-BG-Schlüssel, Weller-Schlüssel, DKR 2002, KHG, BPflV, CHIDOS and Wingert NC.
Standard applications for processing patient data sets into various reimbursement systems have been development for several countries as well:
ID DRG-Grouper WIN/JAVA/COBOL, Fallpauschalen and Sonderentgelte
ID LKF Grouper, MEL, Ambulanzkatalog Oberösterreich (KALOÖ)
All projects are continously developed in cooperation with research institutes, standard bodies and experts from medical informatics and epidemiology.
CEN results, the GALEN projects and especially works from Prof. Wingert were integrated and thus guarantee a high quality standard in the development process.

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