Landesentwicklungsgesellschaft (LEG) Thüringen mbH

Mainzerhofstr. 12
99084 Erfurt

Phone: +49 361 5603450
Fax: +49 361 5603328


Company Contacts
Department/ Name Address

Akquisition und Technologie: Dr. Wolf-Peter Pankau Mainzerhofstr. 12, 99084 Erfurt, Deutschland, Tel.: (0361) 5603 450, Fax: (0361) 5603 328
Company Figures
Number of employees 100-499
Year of foundation 1992
Area of business Services and Publications

Language: German Language: English Company Profile

Landesentwicklungsgesellschaft (LEG) Thüringen mbH

Thuringia is well-known for its inventions and discoveries, including the microscope, the X-ray tube and the EEG. Investors can build on deep-rooted local traditions in medical technology and strong partnerships between companies and research institutes specializing in medical diagnostics and therapy. The first inroads into this field were made by Carl Zeiss and Ernst Abbe, whose groundbreaking work helped transform the city of Jena into a hub of the optics industry.

With its 200 companies, the medical technology industry is one of the most innovative in the region. The roots of this sector are in its tradition in optics, precision mechanics and pharmaceutics. In recent years, our region has been fertile ground for new companies to grow in fields as diverse as chemical analysis, laser engineering, pharmaceuticals, implant technology and medical instruments and devices.

On the national and international stage, Thuringia’s ophthalmology and end prosthetics providers play a major role.

Many of the medical technology companies have successfully established worldwide R&D, production and sales networks. The industry’s export ratio stands at 50 percent. The medical technology sector is one of Thuringia’s biggest industries in terms of sales. Most of this revenue is generated by manufacturers of electro-medical devices and instruments.

The vast majority of companies and R&D institutes specializing in medical technology are concentrated in Jena and the regions of Saalfeld-Rudolstadt and Gera-Zeulenroda-Greiz.

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