SWX Swiss Exchange AG

Selnaustr. 30
8021 Zürich

Phone: +41(0)58 854 54 54
Fax: +41(0)58 854 54 55
http://www.swx.com Company Figures
Area of business Services and Publications

Language: German Language: English Company Profile

SWX Swiss Exchange AG

The SWX Swiss Exchange is a central link in the value chain of the Swiss financial marketplace. It organises, operates and regulates key aspects of Switzerland’s capital market.

The commercial activities of the SWX encompass the following business fields: cash market operations, information products, the development and operation of fully electronic trading platforms, and the admission of securities to trading on the Exchange.

The SWX is one of the world’s most technologically advanced securities exchanges. Though firmly rooted in Switzerland’s strong financial centre, the SWX resolutely pursues a strategy focused on internationality. In transnational collaboration, the SWX works with select partners to provide top-rate securities exchange services. A significant factor in this regard is its broad range of products, but perhaps even more so its integrated, fully electronic trading, clearing and settlement system. With a single click of the mouse, securities orders are executed, cleared, settled and confirmed.

The shares traded on SWX are mainly held in the Swiss-based accounts of domestic and international investors.

Bonds, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), Exchange Traded Structured Funds (ETSFs) and other investment funds are also traded on the SWX Platform. Securitised derivatives are traded on Scoach. In terms of trading turnover, the SWX Swiss Exchange operates the largest Europe’s market segment for listed and exchange-traded warrants.

The warrants market on the SWX is distinguished by its wide range of products and favourable listing conditions, not to mention its ability to respond quickly and flexibly to new investor needs.

The SWX Swiss Exchange performs another key function by maintaining the regulatory framework for securities issuance and trading, as well as monitoring and enforcing compliance with these regulations. The SWX, whose legal form is that of an association, represents the interests of Switzerland’s financial marketplace while defending the interests of all market participants.

The SWX is subject to Swiss law. The Federal Act on Stock Exchanges and Securities Trading (SESTA) prescribes the concept of self-regulation, which obligates the SWX to meet international standards in its regulatory activities. The SWX itself is supervised by the Swiss Federal Banking Commission (SFBC).

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