Hans Biomed Corp.

807 SK Building, Sungsu-1Ga, Sungdong-gu 133-110 Seoul Korea (Rep.) Phone: +82 2 4662266 Fax: +82 2 4631554 http://www.hansbiomed.com oversea@hansbiomed.com Company Figures Number of employees 50-99 Sales volume 10-49 Mio US $ Export content max. 50% Year of foundation 1993 Company… Read moreHans Biomed Corp.

Hanlab Corporation

2-1504, Ace Hightech City, #54-66, Mullae-dong 3-ga, Yeoungdeungpo-gu 150-834 Seoul Korea (Rep.) Phone: +82 2 6309-8534 Fax: +82 2 6309-8228 http://www.hanlab.com hanlab@hanlab.co.kr Company Figures Number of employees 50-99 Sales volume 1-9 Mio US $ Export content max. 50% Area of… Read moreHanlab Corporation

Giant Star

535-8 Doha-ri, Eungyun-myun 482-861 Yangju-City, Kyounggi-do Korea (Rep.) Phone: +82 31 8586344 Fax: +82 31 8686344 http://www.gsmedical.co.kr international@gsmedical.co.kr Manufacturers Company Figures Number of employees 20-49 Sales volume 1-9 Mio US $ Export content max. 25% Year of foundation 1980 Area… Read moreGiant Star

Genoray Co., Ltd.

Rm. 512, Byucksan Technopia, 434-6, Sangdaewon1-Dong, Jungwon-gu 462-716 Seongnam-Shi, Gyeonggi-do Korea (Rep.) Phone: +82 31 737-8020 Fax: +82 31 737-8025 http://www.genoray.com Company Contacts Department/ Name Address Dong Hun Lee Oversea Sales dhlee@genoray.com Language: German Language: English Company Profile About us… Read moreGenoray Co., Ltd.